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July 22 - 26, 2024 GMT+2

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Gariep Forever Resort

Gariep, Free State Province, South Africa

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The GSSA is thrilled to unveil an extensive array of sponsorship opportunities designed to cultivate mutually advantageous partnerships.

Elevate your brand's visibility among South Africa's top scientists, researchers, policymakers, ecologists, and agricultural experts!

Exhibition stand only R 3,000 (cash excluding VAT)

  • Congress Exhibition stand: Manned by one delegate โ€“ lunch and dinner and accommodation not included.

Bronze Tier R 5,000 (cash excluding VAT)

  • Website Acknowledgement: On the final webpage of the Congress, e.g.
  • Event Website Recognition: Sponsor's page with logo and link to sponsor's website.
  • Logo Placement: On the program and in digital proceedings.
  • Holding Slide Display: Logo on holding slide displayed between sessions.
  • Grassroots Banner Ad: Inside the publication (210mm x 74mm) in the 'Congress' issue of 2024.

Silver Tier R 20,000 (cash exluding VAT)

  • Includes all Bronze benefits, plus:
  • Congress Exhibition Stand: Manned by one delegate. Full Registration included. Accommodation not included.
  • Grassroots Ad: A6 advert inside the publication in the 'Congress' issue of 2024.

Gold Tier R 50,000 (cash excluding VAT)

  • Includes all Bronze benefits, plus:
  • Additional Website Recognition: On the "Our Supporters" page with logo and link to sponsor's website.
  • Congress Exhibition Stand: Manned by one delegate (attendance and accommodation for 3 night's included)
  • Additional Banner Placement: In secondary venue, and other areas (e.g., outside, around tea, eating area).
  • Social Media Acknowledgement: Sponsor logo on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Grassroots Full-Colour Ad: A5 advert in the 'Congress' issue of 2024.

Platinum Tier R 100,000 (cash excluding VAT)

  • Includes all Bronze benefits, plus:
  • Enhanced Website Recognition: On the "Our Supporters" page with logo and link to sponsor's website.
  • Congress Exhibition Stand: Manned by two delegates (registration and accommodation for 3 nights included)
  • Enhanced Social Media Recognition: Sponsor logo on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, including logo embedded on Facebook cover image with "Supported by" in front of the logo.
  • Additional Promotional Opportunities: Advertorial and/or publication in digital proceedings.
  • Grassroots Extensive Ad Coverage: Full-colour A5 advert inside each issue of 2024.
  • Logo on Congress Announcements.

Sponsor a Tea R 5,000 (cash excluding VAT)

A3 signs on tea tables saying "Proudly sponsored by XXX"; company flyers on tea tables.

Sponsor a Lunch R 20,000 (cash excluding VAT)

All 'Bronze' benefits PLUS A3 signs on lunch tables saying "Proudly sponsored by XXX"; company flyers on lunch tables; introduction to the delegates at the lunch; attendance of one delegate at the conference for the day including lunch and dinner

Sponsor a Session R 25,000 (cash excluding VAT)

All 'Bronze' benefits PLUS 5 minute talk at beginning of session PLUS company name (XXX) included in session name, e.g. "The XXX session on Global Change"; attendance for two delegates at the conference for the day which includes lunch and dinner 

Sponsor a dinner R 25,000 (cash excluding VAT)

All 'Bronze' benefits PLUS A3 signs on lunch tables saying "Proudly sponsored by (XXX); company flyers on lunch tables; attendance of two delegates at the conference for the day including lunch and dinner

Sponsor the Meet and Greet R 30,000 (cash excluding VAT)

All 'Bronze' benefits PLUS A3 signs on tables saying "Proudly sponsored by XXX"; company flyers on lunch tables; introduction to the delegates at the dinner

Sponsor the poster session cheese-and-wine R 30,000 (cash excluding VAT)

All 'Bronze' benefits PLUS A3 signs on tables saying "Proudly sponsored by XXX"; company flyers on lunch tables; introduction to the delegates at the dinner/poster session

Sponsor the Gala Dinner R 50,000 (cash excluding VAT)

All 'Bronze' benefits PLUS A3 signs on lunch tables saying "Proudly sponsored by XXX"; company flyers on lunch tables; introduction to the delegates at the dinner; attendance of two delegates at the conference for the day including lunch and dinner

Sponsor the congress 1 only; R 250,000 (cash excluding VAT)

Be our lead sponsor. Full Platinum sponsorship, plus conference is presented as "Grassland Society of Southern Africa, in collaboration with XXX".

Sponsor branded pens R 5,000 (cash excluding VAT)

We will procure branded pens with your logo on, one for each delegate

Sponsor branded notepads R 5,000 (cash excluding VAT)

We will procure branded notepads with your logo on, one for each delegate

Sponsor branded water bottles R 25,000 (cash excluding VAT)

We will procure quality branded aluminium water bottles, one for each delegate

Sponsor delegate bags R 25,000 (cash excluding VAT)

We will procure branded quality carry-bags, one for each delegate

Sponsor the Research Skills Workshop R 50, 000 (cash excluding VAT)

This year's Research Skills Workshop is titled "Using Artificial Intelligence responsibly in data analysis, writing, and research". All 'Bronze' benefits, plus attendance for one delegate (accommodation and registration included), plus a 5-minute talk at the opening of the day, plus flyers on tables plus A3 posters saying "Proudly sponsored by XXX"

Donate to the GSSA

The GSSA operates without any external funding, depending solely on the support from our members and sponsors to continue our mission. If you value the contributions and efforts of the GSSA, we kindly ask you to consider making a donation to help sustain our work.

It is our firm belief that your support represents an investment in the future of range an forage management in southern Africa and we would be honoured if you would accept our invitation to be an integral part of the Grassland Society of southern Africa's conference.

If you are interested to support the conference in the form of any of the above sponsorship opportunities, we invite you to contact:

Minette van Lingen

Administrator: Grassland Society of southern Africa (NPO 053-937)


Ph: +27 82 8252 088
